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Benefits of Juicing

by Sherrie Clarke, RN

Juicing provides numerous life-enhancing health benefits including a rapid, more efficient way to absorb immune boosting nutrients naturally found in fruits and vegetables.

Juicing can help us adopt healthier food habits. If you are not used to eating a lot of fruits and veggies you might want to start by just drinking them. Juicing has so many benefits and it is very convenient. You can take the juice in a bottle and drink at work without stopping to eat the actual food but still getting the same nutritional benefits.

Myths About Juicing

Facts About Juicing 

Myth 1: “Juicing is so expensive and a waste of good produce”

Fact 1: You can save on produce by buying from local farmers and markets. You can also use the leftover pulp in baking, soups, veggie burgers, healthy cookies, crackers and much more.

Myth 2: “A juice contains no fiber.”

Fact 2: There are two types of fiber, Soluble and Insoluble. Juicing contains soluble. Juicing extracts most of the insoluble fiber out of the produce while soluble fiber remains. Soluble fiber absorbs water like a sponge and provides bulking matter that supports good bacterial growth and digestive health. 

Myth 3: “Juices have too much sugar.”

Fact 3: The amount of sugar depends on what you are juicing. Despite Pineapple, Pomegranate, Grape, and Cherry Juice having the highest glucose index, their uses can be extremely beneficial to one’s health. Pineapple aids in digestion, Pomegranate is a great antioxidant and helps build the blood, Grape juice reduces bad cholesterol while raw Cherry juice can help reduce pain.

Myth 4: “Juices don’t contain enough protein.”

Fact 4: For a health adult, a few days of juicing will not cause a protein deficiency. To add protein to your juices, you can safely choose from plant-based protein powder, chia or hemp seeds. 

Myth 5: When you juice, you lose too many nutrients in the pulp that’s extracted.”

Fact 5:  Yes you will lose some nutrients in the pulp like fiber and magnesium but you will reap numerous benefits from the nutrients that remain in the juice.

Myth 6: Yes! You will lose some nutrients in the pulp like fiber and magnesium to name a few, but you’ll reap countless benefits from the nutrients that remain in the juice.

Fact 6: Decrease the risk of bacteria by making juice at home where you are in control of the cleanliness of your machine.  Equipment in facilities that mass produce food or juice is often the culprit in contamination.  Also, peeling and even juicing has been shown to help remove pesticide residue on produce. Be sure to always wash your hands and produce well, then peel citrus items, beets and melons before juicing.

Myth 7: “There are no proven health benefits of juicing.”

Fact 7: Research has shown the value of including juice as part of a well-balanced plant-based diet.  Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure levels. Juicing cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, radish, Brussels sprouts contain phytonutrients known to help promote overall health

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